

In vitro fertilization, commonly referred to as IVF, is one of the most popular infertility treatment options out there. If you’ve been having trouble conceiving, it may be able to help you. The doctors at Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute in Honolulu, HI, have explained what you need to know about it to determine if it’s the right option for you.

What to Know About IVF

What It Is

In vitro fertilization is the most effective type of assisted reproductive strategy. During the process, the eggs are collected from your ovaries and fertilized in a lab with sperm. The fertilized egg, which is now called an embryo, is placed back into the uterus.

in vitroThis process usually takes about two weeks. Depending on your needs, the embryo can be placed back your own uterus or into a gestational carrier who can carry out the pregnancy on your behalf. Donor eggs or sperm can be used as well.

Who It Helps

IVF can benefit both those with genetic and infertility problems. If you or your partner carry a genetic disorder that could be passed onto the child, then in vitro fertilization is an excellent choice. After the eggs are fertilized, they can be screened for the genetic problem before implantation.

Some common fertility problems that would make you a suitable candidate for IVF include low sperm count, ovulation problems, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids. This treatment is also a popular choice for cancer patients. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can impact fertility, so eggs or sperm can be removed and frozen until you’re ready for the treatment.

When you’re ready to talk about your options, see an infertility specialist at Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute. They are the premier fertility clinic in Hawaii and provide comprehensive services to make your dream of having a child a reality. Contact them at (808) 946-2226 to schedule a consultation to discuss in vitro fertilization. They will be happy to answer all your questions and tell you what to expect.
