
Cavities are formed by tooth decay and must be addressed promptly to prevent more serious dental issues. Ignoring the condition could create a need for more invasive procedures, including root canal therapy. Luckily, dentists can treat most cavities with fillings, as long as you visit shortly after discovering initial symptoms. 

5 Signs You Should See Your Dentist to Have a Cavity Treated

1. Sensitivity

One of the telltale signs of a cavity is sensitivity to hot and cold foods. You might also experience pain in especially chilly air. Often, this indicates nerve exposure, which is caused by a cavity in an advanced stage.

2. Pain While Chewing

If you experience discomfort on one side of your mouth while chewing, it could indicate a cavity. This might also mean the nerve is exposed, either by deep decay or a tooth fracture. If the pain is severe, stick to soft foods, like broths, yogurt, and mashed potatoes, in the time leading up to your appointment. 

3. Constant Dull Ache

dentistCavity pain doesn’t have to be isolated to chewing or exposure to certain temperatures. It can also cause a dull, ongoing ache or throbbing sensation. Apply a cold compress to minimize pain until you’re able to see a dentist.

4. Dark Spots

While cavities aren’t always visible without dental X-rays, they are sometimes characterized by small dark spots. This could point to decay, or if the entire tooth is discolored, it might mean the tooth’s pulp has been compromised. 

5. Bad Breath

A cavity is a hole in the tooth which creates the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. Foul breath might suggest an infection which needs to be addressed by a professional promptly. Left alone, the infection could spread to the tooth pulp, forming a serious condition called an abscess.


If you’ve noticed any of the signs above and are seeking a friendly, gentle dentist to help tackle the issue, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kessler at Kimberling City Dental Center. Serving the Greater Kimberling City, MO, region for over 32 years, this dental practice provides quality care at affordable rates. Learn more about their services online, or call (417) 739-4965 today to schedule your next appointment.
