
If you’re considering enrolling in a medical assistant program, you’ll want to decide between a clinical or administrative focus. Medical assistant programs with a clinical focus will teach you several crucial skills — from phlebotomy to checking vitals. To determine if the clinical side is the right fit for you, consider the following phlebotomy guide.

3 Things You Should Know About Phlebotomy

1. What Is Phlebotomy?

The field of phlebotomy involves using a needle to collect blood. This blood sample will be examined by a doctor to create a snapshot of the patient’s overall health. Phlebotomy is a clinical skill that is frequently taught in medical assistant programs to help with overall patient care education.

medical assistant program2. How Do You Learn to Draw Blood?

Because medical assistants are responsible for checking vitals and taking samples, phlebotomy is a vital skill taught in most clinical programs. Most medical assistant programs are comprised of a certain number of classroom hours, as well as hours in the lab where you will test the skills you learn. When learning to draw blood, you’ll study things like needle size and finding the location to collect from.

3. How Will Phlebotomy Help Your Medical Assisting Career?

Having experience in collecting blood is an essential skill many doctor offices and hospitals look for. Learning about phlebotomy in your medical assistant program will provide you with extra tools and knowledge that will make you a more well-rounded candidate when applying for jobs. Having a medical assistant with phlebotomy experience will allow the doctors and nurses on staff to focus their attention on more pressing situations.

If you’re considering a career in the medical assistant field, remember to look for a program that offers phlebotomy training as well. Not only is it a critical skill to learn, but it can also help you when looking for the right job.


Located in Elmsford, NY, Westchester School for Dental Assistants offers training programs for individuals looking to get into dental or medical assisting. The medical assistant program at Westchester School for Dental Assistants offers phlebotomy education in addition to learning how to check vitals and remove sutures. To learn more about this 900-hour program or other school offerings, visit their website or call (914) 682-9001.
