
People v. Anonymous, People v. M.D., People v. C.J. (Gates Tn. Court, 8/8/18)


          In the above 3 cases, Mr. Corletta worked highly favorable dispositions for 3 separate clients in a single afternoon in Gates Town Court on 8/8/18.


          In People v. Anonymous, the client was charged with 2 counts of Driving While Intoxicated and 2 underlying traffic violations including Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Accident. The client ended up with a plea to a single minor traffic infraction, with the minimum mandatory fine and no other punishment, except for attending the Impaired Driver Program.


          In People v. M.D., the client resolved a 2 year old suspended license charge on which a Bench Warrant had been issued with a plea to a 0 point traffic violation and $40.00 fine.


          In People v. C.J., the client resolved a speeding ticket where the client was allegedly traveling 20 miles over the speed limit with a plea to a 0 point parking violation and $50.00 fine.


          All three clients were quite pleased with their favorable outcomes, as none was convicted of anything other than a minor traffic infraction due to Mr. Corletta’s hard work, experience, and expertise.
