
When you need dental implants, your periodontist may recommend a sinus lift first. This common procedure corrects the space between the teeth and sinus cavities. Learn more about the procedure and what you can expect from the process with the following guide. 

The Basics of Sinus Lift Procedures

What Is a Sinus Lift?

Also called sinus augmentation, this procedure lifts the sinus and adds bone underneath to the upper jaw. This bone graft material may be from your own body or an external source.

When Do You Need This Procedure?

periodontistPatients who have lost teeth may need this procedure. When someone loses one or more teeth, the body may reabsorb the leftover bone, so there may not be enough in the upper jaw on which a periodontist can install a replacement. Patients who have experienced gum disease may also need a sinus lift since this condition may lead to bone loss in the upper jaw.

What Is the Process?

During a sinus lift, the periodontist will make an incision in the gums until the bone is exposed. They will then push upward on the membrane between the jaw and sinuses to create a space—this is where they will place the bone graft material. When the graft is in place, the surgeon will stitch up the incision site. 

What Is Recovery Like?

In terms of healing, it can take four to 12 months for the site to be ready for dental implants, but this will vary from patient to patient. Your periodontist will discuss specific recovery instructions with you and may provide an antibiotic and nasal spray. Some patients bleed from their mouth or nose in the days after their sinus lift, in addition to experiencing mild discomfort. Attend followup appointments and call your dentist about any complications. 


Whether you need a sinus lift or want to learn more about the procedure for the future, the team at Periodontal Specialists of Hawaii in Honolulu are here to help. As board-certified periodontists, they specialize in caring for periodontitis, gingivitis, oral cancer, and other types of gum conditions with treatments like laser therapy and tissue grafting. For more information on their services, visit their website, and call (808) 955-1506  to schedule an appointment today. 
