
When you feel burning in your chest, especially after a meal, you likely assume it’s heartburn. For those who experience this feeling frequently, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may also be the cause. However, it’s important to visit a gastroenterologist to rule out more serious factors, because the following conditions are often mistaken for indigestion.

6 Conditions That May Feel Like Heartburn


Gallstones are hard, crystallizes masses that get caught in the bile duct or gallbladder, blocking normal digestion. This condition can cause pain after eating, generally in the upper-right or middle of the abdomen. It’s easy to mistake the sensation for heartburn, but this pain generally does not respond to antacids. 

Stomach Ulcer

gastroenterologistResulting from stomach acid, medication, or bacteria, stomach ulcers cause pain and burning in the upper abdomen. Much like heartburn, this pain can extend into the chest. If you experience this pain frequently, make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to diagnose the ulcers and prevent them from worsening. 

Hiatal Hernia

This type of hernia occurs in the upper abdomen when a portion of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm. Since the organ extends into the chest cavity, stomach acid can get into the esophagus. If you experience nausea, difficulty swallowing, and regurgitation of food, you may be experiencing this condition. 


This disorder involves the impairment of the stomach muscles, affecting your ability to move food through the digestive tract as you normally would. Other symptoms of gastroparesis include bloating, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, weight loss, and changes in blood sugar. 

Esophageal Cancer

For patients with frequent heartburn, a gastroenterologist may test for esophageal cancer through an upper endoscopy. Though this condition is rare, it is far easier to treat when caught early on when it masks itself as chronic indigestion. People who smoke or drink alcohol frequently are at higher risk for this type of cancer. 


If you are living with anxiety, you might experience heartburn as a result. Anxiety can also worsen the symptoms of GERD. To control anxiety-related heartburn, talk to a doctor about managing this stress. 


No matter the severity of your heartburn,  discuss symptoms with a gastroenterologist. The specialists at Naugatuck Valley Gastroenterology Consultants LLC in Prospect, CT are ready to provide the care you need. Their team is available for endoscopy and colonoscopy procedures, as well as other GI health screenings. To learn more about their services, visit their website or call (203) 756-6422 today.
