
At Aisen Chiryo Doin, students in Honolulu, HI, learn the best techniques for balancing patients’ energy and helping to remove their stress using shiatsu massage therapy. This career path involves helping others to find healing and comfort from their afflictions, making it great for especially compassionate individuals. However, the school has high standards for attaining a license. Below, they explain what the training entails and how it helps turn students into proficient shiatsu practitioners.

Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Shiatsu Therapist

What Is It?

Shiatsu massage is a Japanese healing art that involves stimulating pressure points on the body with thumbs and fingers. This process can help relieve headaches, encourage circulation, reduce stiffness from stress, travel, work, or other sources, and produce other positive results. This therapy can’t be performed by just anyone—practicing it requires training and skill, best attained through an educational program that also teaches about the business side of massage.

What Courses Are Included in This Program?

shiatsuAt Aisen Chiryo Doin, students benefit from a program honed over a period of more than four decades. This involves an 80-hour human anatomy and physiology class in which students learn about the structure of the human body, a 120-hour therapeutic muscle and nerve class in which students learn how to treat specific injuries using this specialized massage therapy, a pragmatic chair class in which students practice all they’ve learned, and a 420-hour practical training internship. This fully prepares aspiring therapists to work in the field and offer real relief to their clients.

What Is Required to Graduate From This School?

During the spring and fall semesters, students work to complete the full regimen of training required for graduation with a license. Attendees must apply themselves, showing up for at least 90% of all required lessons and earning 75% scores on the tests for most of the courses. An 85% is required during the practical examination at the end of the course.

For those in Honolulu who are serious about learning shiatsu, Aisen Chiryo Doin is the best place to hone your skills. With highly knowledgeable instructors and licensing from the Hawaii Department of Education, they can guarantee an in-depth learning experience in this field. To learn more about their program, contact them today online or give them a call at (808) 596-7354.
