
If you have unexplained dental problems, user error might be partly to blame. Everyday, people mistakenly brush their teeth too harshly, leading to enamel erosion, dental sensitivity, and even tooth decay. Here are three tips your dentist recommends for changing bad oral hygiene habits.

How to Improve Your Dental Health

1. Set a Timer

If you forget to brush your teeth frequently, you might be left dealing with plaque accumulation, tartar buildup, cavities, and even gingivitis. Fortunately, you can make it easier to remember to brush and floss by setting a repeating timer on your phone or bedside alarm clock. When the timer rings, head straight to your bathroom to take care of your daily dental regimen. 

2. Change Your Toothbrush 

dentistOn the other hand, some people brush too frequently and too aggressively. Frequent or harsh brushing can lead to enamel erosion, exposing the sensitive underlying dentin or dental roots that aren’t protected by hard enamel. If you struggle with aggressive brushing, consider switching to an electric toothbrush with a pressure sensor. If you have already damaged your gums, dentists can help by grafting tissue back in place. 

3. Skip the Added Lemon

Acidic foods like lemons, oranges, and limes lower the pH of your saliva, making dental enamel a little softer. If you brush your teeth too soon after enjoying acidic foods, you are more likely to remove enamel that won’t grow back. Try to skip the added lemon, especially if you tend to snack throughout the day. Dentists recommend ordering ice water without lemon slices and paying attention to how often you eat acidic fruits. 


In addition to focusing on making better daily choices, working with S. Jill Spurlin, DMD, in Enterprise, AL, can help you enjoy a healthier, more comfortable smile. From regular preventative exams to careful dental restorations, this experienced family dentist makes it easy to improve your dental health. To learn more about her services, visit her website or call (334) 475-2624 to schedule an appointment.
