
Living in your first college apartment is an exciting step into adulthood, providing you with greater freedom than typical dorm life. However, with greater freedom comes greater responsibility for students as well. To prepare you for this exciting milestone, Munson Realty, Inc. has shared five helpful tips for your first off-campus housing experience.

Moving Into Off-Campus Housing? 5 Tips to Keep in Mind

1. Update Your Address

With the chaos that often accompanies moving, updating your new address can often be forgotten. Be sure to update your information online, with your bank, and any other relevant places so you don’t miss any important mail. Let your friends and family know of the change as well in case they wish to send you something down the road.

2. Document Any Damage Upon Moving In

To avoid property damage fines upon moving out, document any issues with the apartment as soon as you start living there. Write down and/or photograph anything problematic so you have evidence that any apartment damage is no fault of your own.

3. Discuss Preferences With Roommates

If you have roommates, keep the lines of communication open so you can peacefully cohabitate. Have an open discussion regarding everyone’s expectations up front. This could be anything from how bills will be paid and whether food will be shared to who will be responsible for cleaning what and when. Putting together a chore schedule can help hold everyone accountable for keeping the place in order.

4. Get Creative With Storage

off campus housingMany off-campus housing units — particularly those shared amongst roommates — will have somewhat limited space. This is why it’s important to get creative with storage and maximize the space you do have. Opt for dual-purpose furniture, such a  coffee table that also doubles as a storage container, and make use of shelving to free up floor space. Work with your roommates to arrange the furniture in a way that allows plenty of room for foot traffic.

5. Utilize Maintenance Request Forms

In any living situation, something will inevitably break or malfunction. When a situation like this arises, you as a renter are not responsible for fixing it on your own. Take advantage of maintenance request forms for electrical issues or other damage so you can keep the place in order and avoid any potential safety issues as well.

If you’re looking for off-campus housing, look no further than Munson Realty, Inc. in La Crosse, WI. For over 25 years, this family-owned and -operated property management company has helped students and young professionals secure everything from campus rentals and student housing to attractive apartments for rent. Give the licensed and insured company a call today at (608) 785-7187, or visit their website for more information on them and their services.
