
Whether you’re building a new addition or simply want to refresh the current walls of your home or office, you may be considering the aesthetic and practical appeals of two similar materials: stucco and plaster. While these options might seem alike or indistinguishable to many, the professionals at Old World Plastering of Cincinnati, OH, know there are a few important differences. Below, they explain what these differences are and which material you should select for your project.

What Are the Differences?

The differences lie mostly in the materials that are used to create stucco and plaster. Stucco is a bit more complicated and is created out of Portland cement and lime mixed with fiberglass and sand. Sometimes, metal is mixed in to make it more durable. Plaster is based on gypsum, a soft mineral, and can easily be mixed into a mud that’s simple to work with. Although stucco is sturdier and a bit more reliable than plaster, both materials will last a long time. 

Which Should You Use?

stuccoGenerally, the material you use depends on the project you’re working on. If you’re redoing an interior wall, experts generally suggest choosing plaster. This material will look fantastic and will hold up well over time, especially since it’s not being affected by the elements. Working on the exterior of the house? Stucco is usually a good choice for these applications, as it is made from many ingredients that will ensure it weathers the rain, sun, and wind without becoming damaged.

Need more advice on deciding between stucco and plaster for your project? Speak with the team at Old World Plastering. These expert craftsmen can complete any job, whether it’s updating the exterior of a modern house or restoring a historical building. The owner is on site for every project, carefully overseeing the work and ensuring the results are of the highest quality. To learn more, call (513) 481-1122, or visit them online today.
