
During the last weeks of summer, you might be focused on letting your kids soak up the summer sun and play with their friends. However, summer is also a great time to take your kids to the dentist, since schedules tend to be more relaxed before school starts. Here are a few reasons you should take your kids to the dentist before the first day of school. 

The Importance of Summer Dental Exams

What Happens During Routine Checkups? 

dentistDuring routine dental exams, your children’s teeth will be checked carefully for problems like plaque accumulation, dental decay, and improperly erupting teeth. Since these appointments are largely diagnostic and preventative, schedule them at times when you won’t be in a hurry. That way, if your dentist spots an issue after taking X-rays or cleaning your child’s teeth, it can be addressed quickly without interrupting your weekly schedule.  

How Can Summer Appointments Help? 

Making appointments at this time helps families manage their time a little better once school begins. Once classes start, students’ time is monopolized by homework, sports, and other extracurricular activities. Additionally, making preventative dental exams during the summer helps your child avoid dental pain and missed school, since problems caught early are easier for dentists to resolve. For instance, if a small cavity is spotted during a routine exam, it can be filled quickly and easily to protect the tooth. On the other hand, if that cavity continues to progress, it can cause infections that cause severe pain, multiple dental appointments, and a lot of time away from the classroom. Summertime dental appointments also help your child feel more confident in their smile, since the teeth are cleaned and polished before heading back to school. 


Don’t take chances with your children’s teeth. Schedule an appointment with Susan Kleier, DMD, today to ensure your little ones have comfortable, healthy smiles for their first day of school. In addition to helping families with routine, preventative care, Dr. Kleier can also help with protective mouth guards to keep your kids safe while playing sports. To learn more about how she can help, visit her website or call (859) 225-1188.
