
Driving over a curb, hitting a pothole, and even normal everyday driving can impact your vehicle’s wheel alignment. Properly-aligned wheels maintain a 90-degree angle to the road and are parallel to each other to prevent a variety of complications. Here, the automotive care team at Springdale Automotive in West Chester, OH discusses why scheduling regular wheel alignments is one of the best ways to protect your vehicle.

Why Correct Wheel Alignment Is Essential: Your Local Automotive Care Experts Explain

Prevents Premature Tire Wear

Improper wheel alignment causes uneven tire tread wear. Your front tires bear the brunt of the pressure and friction, resulting in premature replacements. Reduced tread from uneven tire wear is also a safety issue because bald tires cannot grip the road with the same efficiency, making it difficult to control your car. Low tread levels are even more dangerous in wet or snowy conditions because your car can slide off the road or into another vehicle. Bald tires are also thin and susceptible to blowouts.

Improves Handling

automotive careNot only does incorrect alignment affect your tires, but it also creates handling and comfort problems. Vehicles pull to one side when the alignment is off, causing you to expend more energy as you drive your car. A vehicle that constantly pulls to the left or right is also a safety concern because you have a harder time maintaining control, especially if conditions are wet or snowy.

Saves Fuel

Correct wheel alignment helps your wallet because it keeps fuel costs reasonable. Uneven friction and increased road surface resistance make your vehicle work harder than usual to drive forward, causing it to use more gas. Regular wheel alignment services from your West Chester automotive care team increases fuel efficiency so you spend less at the pump.

Work with the friendly and knowledgeable mechanics at Springdale Automotive to maintain an aligned, functional vehicle. The automotive care experts work on all models and provide a comprehensive list of car repair and maintenance services for affordable prices. Call (513) 860-2760 today to schedule an appointment or learn more about what the team can do for you online.
