
During the peak summer months, your air conditioner works double-time to keep you cool. To repay the favor and keep your unit in good working condition, you must stay on top of maintenance and use it efficiently. Here, the air conditioner repair experts at Universal Refrigeration in Auburn, WA, share three habits you should avoid. 

Habits That Negatively Affect Your AC Unit

1. Forgetting to Change the Filters

Changing the filter in your AC unit should be done once every three months according to ENERGY STAR®. If you have a ductless unit, the filter can also be taken out and cleaned with a damp cloth. Whether you decide to clean or replace the filter, failing to do so makes it difficult for cool air to flow easily. The buildup of dust and dirt eventually causes the unit to work harder, leaving you with a high energy bill. 

2. Putting the Thermostat on the Lowest Setting

Air Conditioner RepairDuring the hot summer months, it’s tempting to place your thermostat on the lowest setting as soon as your return home from your day. However, doing this doesn’t cool the room faster—it just makes the system run longer to lower the room temperature. This method wastes energy and raises your monthly bill. Instead, air conditioner repair experts recommend investing in a programmable thermostat that allows you to program the air to come on just before arriving at home. 

3. Leaving Curtains Open

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 76% of the sun’s powerful UV rays enter your home through uncovered windows. During the summer, this lowers the efficiency of your air conditioning unit. To keep your home cool, close your blinds or curtains during the afternoon.

If you are looking to keep up with regular maintenance for your air conditioning unit, the heating and cooling contractors at Universal Refrigeration can help. With over 30 years of experience in air conditioner repair and installation, they are dedicated to providing the best service. For more information about how to maintain your AC unit, visit their website or call (253) 939-5501 today. 
