
From the ranch-style houses of the 1950s to the tiny living spaces of today, home construction trends continuously evolve. Whether you plan to build a new home or remodel your existing one, learning about what’s new and exciting in design may give you a little inspiration. This year, here are three of the most popular home construction trends to know about.  

What’s New in Home Construction?

1. Green Design

home constructionHomeowners increasingly seek properties that save energy and take less of a toll on the environment. Features like recyclable construction materials, solar panels, and energy-efficient roofing reduce energy expenditures, curb greenhouse gas emissions, and lower landfill waste. Rainwater collection systems also help conserve water, while “green walls” covered in plants help improve air quality.  

2. Tiny Homes

New home buyers—particularly millennials—no longer prioritize square footage. Large homes are increasingly being replaced by tiny and even modular spaces. To maintain a livable environment, these floor plans tend to incorporate creative storage solutions such as hidden compartments underneath stairways and tables that fold out of the wall.

3. Mud Rooms

According to design experts and trend reports, mud rooms have become the most popular “new” space in the home in recent years. Many homeowners living in older spaces opt to convert large foyers or entryways into a utilitarian area, which provides a place to store bags, coats, and boots. The practical space typically features an easy-to-clean, tile floor and is especially popular among families with pets and children.


For design-savvy home contractors that know the ins and outs of the industry, consult the professionals of Columbia, IL. In every home construction project, the team from Roider Contracting employs the highest standard of materials, state-of-the-art equipment, and unmatched craftsmanship. In addition to helping homeowners create their dream spaces, they also strive to increase property value. To learn more about how the home builders can support you, visit the website or call today at (314) 807-0492.
