
Wisdom teeth removal is recommended for most young adults, as it could decrease the risk of developing dental complications down the road. When scheduling the procedure, you may wonder what types of foods you’ll be able to consume while healing. Here, the caring team at Family First Dentistry in Anchorage, AK, share their list of do’s and don’ts on the topic.


Skip chewing for the first 24 hours.

Stick to liquids and foods that don’t require chewing for the first 24 hours after the extraction. Broth, applesauce, ice cream, yogurt, and mashed potatoes are all safe options.

Reintroduce chewable foods slowly.

Once you feel ready to begin chewing again, take it slowly with soft foods like pasta and eggs. Mashed bananas, avocados, and instant oatmeal are also smart choices for transitioning into regular options again.

Add a little flavor.

wisdom teeth removalIf you’re worried about having to stick to bland foods after the wisdom teeth removal, there are ways to add flavor to your meals. Use butter and garlic in your mashed potatoes or have a stack of syrupy pancakes on occasion as a treat.


Sip through a straw.

For your gums to heal, clots must form. The suction created by straws could cause them to come loose, resulting in a painful condition called dry socket. Sip any beverages out of a regular cup or glass until you’ve been cleared to use straws. 

Choose any foods with seeds.

Seeds can get trapped in your healing wounds, so avoid foods that contain them, like fresh fruit. Avoid nuts during this time, as their tiny particles are also inclined to get stuck. 

Skip carbonation.

If you regularly enjoy carbonated beverages, try to hold off on these until the dentist approves it during the wisdom teeth removal follow-up. These drinks can also cause dry socket, as the bubbles impede clot formation.

If you’re considering wisdom teeth removal for yourself or a family member, turn to the caring team at Family First Dentistry. They prioritize patient comfort and offer a range of other services, including dental implants and veneers, cleanings, and whitening procedures. To schedule a consultation, call (907) 562-2820 today. To learn more about how these dentists can assist, visit the website
