
As you are enjoying the sunshine this summer, it’s important to remember your pet’s health. The weather can be hard on their body, putting them at risk of a heat stroke. Below is a brief animal care guide to preventing this issue, as well as recognizing the symptoms and understanding the solutions.

How to Prevent Heat Stroke in Your Pets

While you may want to spend as much time as possible with your pets this summer, it’s essential to be mindful of their health. When in the yard, keep cool water nearby to prevent dehydration. They should also have a shady spot to escape to when they feel warm. Even if they appear to be enjoying themselves, avoid leaving animals outside for long periods. Regularly bring them inside to cool off. 

animal careIf you bring pets on errands, avoid leaving them in the car. According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, hundreds of pets die every year from being left in a parked vehicle. The temperature in your car can rise to 120 degrees within minutes. To avoid this problem, leave your furry friend at home when you need to step out. 

Know the Symptoms & Solutions

According to the ASPCA, the symptoms of heat stroke include excessive panting, increased heart rate and drooling, difficulty breathing, fatigue, weakness, and collapse. More severe signs are vomiting, seizures, and bloody diarrhea. What animals experience usually depends on their breed and age. 

If you suspect a problem, encourage your pet to drink water; you may also wet their gums and tongue. The Canine Health Foundation recommends wetting your pet with cool water and bringing them to an animal hospital as soon as possible. An animal care professional will take a variety of measures depending on the severity of their condition. For instance, your pet may require IV fluids to rehydrate and cool down. The vet will assess the situation and determine whether an overnight stay is necessary. 


By preventing heat stroke, knowing its symptoms, and addressing the problem if it arises, you’ll keep your furry friend safe and comfortable this summer. If you suspect overheating or another pet emergency, turn to the caring team at the Hayward Animal Hospital in Wisconsin for assistance. They have been providing quality animal care services for over 30 years, including internal medicine, dentistry, and orthopedics. For more information about what they offer, visit the website, or call (715) 634-8971 today to schedule an appointment for animal care.
