
Innovations in dental care and technology offer patients more teeth whitening options than ever before. Over-the-counter kits are convenient to try and purchase, but professional whitening services at your cosmetic dentistry office offer the least risk and the most benefits. Learn more below about what makes a dentist’s treatments superior to DIY products and how you can get started. 

Guide to Professional Teeth Whitening

Patient Whitening Options 

Patients can find enamel brightening trays, rinses, and strips at grocery stores, box stores, and online shops. Some come with bleaching materials and tools, while others incorporate small LED lights. You can also purchase several types of whitening toothpastes at pharmacies, corner stores, and drugstores. Each product comes with manufacturer instructions so you can perform the treatment yourself. 

Professional regimens are only available at your dental practice. Dentists use a combination of specialized teeth trays, powerful bleaching agents, and medical grade curing lights to create the most dramatic whitening results. Some offices even offer prescription strength kits that you can use in the comfort of your home. 

La Crosse Teeth WhiteningAt-Home Treatment Risks

Choosing a DIY product comes with more risks than professional whitening. Patients with sensitive teeth and gums may find their at-home applications to be uncomfortable or even painful. If you use your trays, strips, or LED mini lights too frequently, they can also burn your gum tissue or damage your enamel. If you don’t see the results you want, you may spend money on several additional kits. 

Benefits of Professional Care 

Partnering with a dentist will keep you from using products that are too sensitive for your mouth. It will also reduce the chances that you follow instructions improperly. Professional procedures lower the risk of gum and tooth damage, and expert treatment also provides more powerful, long-lasting results.

Since dentistry offices can use high-intensity bleaches that are not available in stores, your enamel will brighten to a shade that may not be possible with products you buy yourself. You will also achieve your desired effect quicker. Additional advantages include consultations and monitoring by your dental professional. Nearly every patient in good oral health can receive expert whitening, even if their teeth are more sensitive or darker than others. 


If you’re interested in professional results, make an appointment for a consultation. Coulee Family Dental is conveniently located in downtown La Crosse, WI, and their dentists are always committed to the comfort and well-being of their patients. To discuss your teeth whitening options, call them at (608) 782-3102. For more information about their cosmetic and family dentistry services, including sleep apnea care, root canals, and dental crowns, visit their website. Read patient reviews and learn more about their staff by following them on Facebook
