
A key part of basic swimming pool maintenance is understanding the proper way to open and close for the season. As the team at All-American Pools in Cincinnati, OH, explains, it’s vital to your pool’s health to have a professional handle these responsibilities. They’re here to share five benefits of working with an expert.

5 Reasons a Seasoned Expert Should Open & Close Your Pool

1. Proper Cover Handling

swimming poolHandling the pool’s cover isn’t as simple as it may seem. This is a heavy component that typically requires some understanding and experience to manage. If you’re unaccustomed to doing so, there’s a chance that debris collected on top of the cover may fall into the pool as you open it. That’s particularly problematic if the pool hasn’t been drained, so it’s best to have an expert remove it for you. They’ll also clean and sanitize it to prevent mold or mildew buildup while it’s not in use.

2. Peace of Mind

From maintaining the proper pH balance to making sure that everything goes according to plan, opening and closing a swimming pool requires thorough expertise and attention. You’ll feel far more confident knowing that a pool maintenance company is in charge of the job and taking the proper steps to ensure that everything is in good condition both before and after the season.

3. Safe Equipment Usage

To safely open and close the pool, you need to check the condition of the pool, turn on and shut down various mechanisms, and use specialized equipment to make sure the water is safe for use. Some of this equipment is especially heavy and can be dangerous to handle by someone unskilled. It’s best to leave this job to a pool maintenance expert.

4. Save Yourself Time

Why spend even a moment worrying that you may have overlooked a step before opening or closing your pool? Both are lengthy processes that require a time commitment. Hiring a professional means you can enjoy using the swimming pool as soon as it warms up—and close up in time for cooler weather without worrying about the pipes freezing.

5. Detect Problems Early

Opening and closing a pool is largely a technical job. Professionals are trained to recognize potential problems in advance, such as faulty filters, possible leaks in the pumps, and even dirty water. All of these can pose long-term issues for the overall condition of the pool, eventually leading to costly swimming pool service and repairs.

The experts at All-American Pools are ready to prepare your pool for the season! Whether you’re opening up or closing down after a few months of fun in the water, you can trust them to make sure that the pool remains safe whether it’s in use or not. Visit their website to learn more about their swimming pool services, including maintenance, installation, and cleaning. You can also call them at (513) 522-7161.
