
If you spend a good portion of your work day on the computer, the screen could be taking its toll on your vision. Your eyes are particularly sensitive to the blue light given off by most monitors. Luckily, there are a few practical eye care strategies you can implement throughout the day to prevent vision strain.

3 Eye Care Strategies for Preventing Office Vision Strain

1. Adjust Your Computer Settings

To minimize its impact on your eyes, your screen’s brightness should closely match that of your environment. For example, if you’re sitting in a dim office but your screen is exceptionally bright, it may have a more pronounced effect on your vision. Adjust the brightness of your monitor or turn on your desk lamp to strike the optimal balance. Additionally, if it seems like the words on your screen are too small, use the zoom function on your browser, word processor, or other program to increase text size.

2. Minimize Glare

Light from artificial sources or nearby windows may reflect off your computer screen, making it difficult to see properly. Quality curtains and bulbs with lower wattages can help to reduce the effect. If you can’t change these factors in your office, consider purchasing a special screen cover to place over your monitor to reduce the amount of glare.

3. Take Periodic Breaks

eye careLastly, taking small breaks can have a major effect on your eye health. When it’s possible throughout the day, take a walk to the water cooler or a colleague’s desk, or simply stand up and stretch. If you’re in the middle of an important project and can’t get away from your desk, follow the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, focus your eyes on something located 20 feet away for a period of 20 seconds.


One final but important eye care practice to follow regardless of your occupation is going for regular eye exams. If you’re due for a visit, contact the team from Whitefish Eye Center in Whitefish, MT. Their vision center has served the local community for more than 40 years with comprehensive exams to ensure optimal eye health for all patients. Schedule your next exam by calling (406) 862-2020 or visit the eye care center online for more information.
