
The role of the parent is to comfort their child, but when a parent experiences great loss, these roles are often reversed. If your parent has lost someone close to them, there are a few things you can do to show your support. Here, the caring funeral directors at Bolton & Lunsford Funeral Homes in Cincinnati, OH, offer both short- and long-term tips for consoling grieving parents.

Funeral Directors’ Guide to Helping Grieving Parents

Help With Errands & Activities

Immense grief can make even the simplest routines feel like monumental tasks. Your parent may need help with tasks such as grocery shopping, paying the bills, or getting yard work done after their partner or someone else close to them has passed. This is especially true if a spouse passes and the surviving parent is left to sort through finances, insurance policies, or other complicated but important matters. Help with any errands you can, and put them in touch with professionals for any other activities needing to get done.

Offer Support By Listening

funeral directorWords often fail us in times of great sorrow. You may feel helpless and as if nothing you could say would ease your parent’s pain. When finding the right words becomes a challenge, simply listen. Your parent may have a lot to say in the time following their loved one’s passing. Whether they need to work through challenging emotions or reflect on fond memories, be their support system by offering to listen whenever they need to talk.  

Continue to Check In on Them

Sometimes, older adults can begin to experience feelings of isolation after someone close to them has passed. Over time, this loneliness can lead to depression and even cognitive decline. Check in on your parent regularly to ensure their social, mental, emotional, and physical health is on track. A simple message or phone call can go a long way in showing your continual support.

Loss is never easy, but a strong support team can make tasks such as funeral planning a bit more bearable during times of grief. Whether you’re preplanning your own funeral arrangements or you’ve lost a loved one and need assistance, the compassionate funeral directors at Bolton & Lunsford Funeral Homes are there to support you. To speak with a staff member, call (513) 661-4059 or learn more by visiting their website.
