
Regular exercise is crucial to maintaining a lifetime of good health. No matter your fitness level, a physical therapist is a valuable partner in helping you launch a fitness program, stick with it, and stay injury free. Here’s how they can help.

Why a Physical Therapist Is Vital to Your New Fitness Routine

1. Injury Assessment, Treatment, & Prevention

physical therapistTears and strained ligaments will derail your fitness plans and make working out painful. If you have old injuries, aches and pains, or limited range of motion, it’s best to have those assessed by a physical therapist to avoid aggravating them further. The physical therapist will create a plan to restore function and strengthen your body. They can also recommend accessories like compression sleeves to promote muscle recovery or kinesiology tape to reduce swelling.

2. Form & Technique Instruction

Proper technique is essential to get the most out of your workout and stay safe. A physical therapist can watch you perform exercises and correct your form so you can see and feel the difference, until it becomes second nature.

3. Planning & Consultation

Your physical therapist will get to know your body, lifestyle, and goals. They can use this information to help you plan a workout routine to match. Especially if you’ve never worked out before, it can be helpful to have guidance in how to get started and how to ramp up your workout as your strength and stamina improve.


At Forest Park Chiropractic & Acupuncture in Cincinnati, OH, you’ll enjoy relief from back and neck pain in a warm, friendly environment. Dr. Moeller offers gentle, natural, non-invasive treatment plans and will customize one to fit your lifestyle and your needs. With an on-site physical therapist, nutritionist, and acupuncturist, they offer the services you need to start your journey toward healthy, pain-free living. Call (513) 742-0880 or send a message online to request your consultation today.
