
Even small water leaks inside your home can promote the growth of mildew and mold, which can quickly spread throughout the structure. Not only are these infestations difficult and expensive to remove, but they can also cause respiratory issues and other health problems in children, the elderly, and other vulnerable individuals. Fortunately, many manufacturers offer high-quality home renovation products that can inhibit the growth of dangerous microorganisms and protect the health of your family.

Why Mold & Mildew Resistant Materials Are so Important

The Dangers of Mold & Mildew

In high enough concentrations, many molds produce allergens which can cause severe reactions in sensitive individuals, especially those with asthma and other respiratory issues. Some types of mold also irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and skin, even in those who are not especially allergic. Because it can penetrate deeply into walls and insulation before it’s detected, mold removal is often costly and invasive.

How to Detect Mold & Mildew

home renovationMold growth typically occurs inside the walls, so an infestation may not leave any visible signs at first. Instead, you may notice a musty odor in some parts of your home, which should never be ignored. In extreme cases, patches of mold growing on walls, ceiling, and the floor may be visible to the naked eye.

Using Mold-Resistant Home Renovation Products

If you’re planning a home renovation project, using mold-resistant materials can prevent problems before they pose a health risk to your family. Dri-Ply, for example, is natural, kiln-dried wood, a process that removes the moisture mold and mildew require to thrive. Using this material on new home additions or remodels will make it much more difficult for mold and mildew to gain a foothold within the structure.


As the only vendor in Hawaii with a significant inventory of Dri-Ply, Wayne's Lumber Inc. is your source for mildew-resistant products for any project. They boast a wide variety of affordable materials that will keep your project under budget and as safe as possible. Visit their website to learn more about the benefits of Dri-Ply, or call (808) 247-5999 to discuss your home renovation project.
