
Elder abuse has become a widespread problem. However, many cases go undetected because it often occurs at the hand of a trusted friend, neighbor, or caretaker. As people age, it’s common for them to start relying on others for help with everyday tasks, which leaves them vulnerable to mistreatment. Therefore, if you have a loved one who is 60 or older, it’s important to watch out for clues they’re being harmed or neglected so you can contact an elder abuse attorney right away to explore your legal options.

How to Identify & Take Action Against Elder Abuse

Types of Elder Abuse & Common Warning Signs 

elder abuse attorneyElder abuse can take several forms, including physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, and neglect. With each type of abuse, there are many telltale signs that help indicate what’s taking place. Elder abuse attorneys warn friends and family members of senior citizens to look out for unexplainable fractures, burns, welts, and cuts, malnutrition and dehydration, poor hygiene, dirty living environment, sudden withdrawal from normal activities, unusual depression, and apprehension around certain people. 

Steps to Take if You Suspect Elder Abuse

If you believe a friend or family member has suffered elder abuse, it’s crucial to take the necessary steps to keep them safe. After removing them from the situation, start gathering evidence that will support any claims of abuse. This may include photos of injuries, copies of medical records, and witness testimonies. Next, file a formal complaint with the police and your state’s department of social services. Also, hire an elder abuse attorney who will assist you in pursuing the justice and financial remedies your loved one deserves.  


Seniors and their relatives may bring a claim against the person or institution responsible for causing them harm or neglect. An elder abuse attorney from Reed Law Offices PC, LLC will help determine if you have a valid case and advise on what your next course of action should be. They have successfully represented numerous clients in the older generation who have been victims of mistreatment. Contact their Omaha, NE, practice at (402) 933-0588 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online for more information.
