
Having a missing tooth is cute when you’re a kid. But when you’re an adult, having a gap in your smile won’t just impact your appearance—it may also impair your speaking and eating abilities. Fortunately, you can fill in these spaces with dental implants. These prosthetics serve millions of Americans and offer a lifelong tooth replacement option. If you’re missing one or more teeth, here are a few important things to know about implants and their benefits.

Dental Implants 101: What to Know About Prosthetic Teeth

What Are They?

Dental implants are prosthetics designed to replace the entire tooth-and-root system. The device consists of a small titanium post that is inserted into the jaw through the gum. A false tooth crafted from durable ceramics is then secured to the post to complete the prosthetic.   

How Are Implants Placed?

First, a dentist extracts the original tooth if it is still present. Next, they surgically insert a titanium post through the gums into the jaw bone. Over the course of several weeks, the bone will fuse to the post to form a secure grip. Once the post has healed, the dentist will bond a custom-designed prosthetic tooth on top.

What If My Jaw Bone Has Deteriorated?

Depending on the extent of jaw bone loss, you may still be able to get dental implants. However, your dentist may need to perform a different procedure to attach the prosthetic. This approach is known as a subperiosteal implant—a metal frame that is fit over the jaw, beneath the gum tissue.

Do Dental Implants Look Natural?

dental implantsWhile dental implants are false teeth, most people won’t be able to tell that you’re wearing a prosthetic. The visible portion of the prosthetic is molded to fit your exact measurements and is custom-colored to resemble a natural tooth. In addition to giving off a real appearance, these devices are also strong and secure enough to bite and chew as you would with all your other teeth.

Will Implants Last Forever?

Since implants fuse with the jawbone, they are permanent fixtures that are designed to last a lifetime. In the event that the ceramic tooth is damaged, a dentist can easily replace it. Despite this durability, these devices still need to be brushed and flossed regularly.


When missing teeth get in the way of your smile, visit Sarah E. Frye, DDS, PA for high-quality dental implants in Lexington, NC. Providing restorative dentistry services for more than 30 years, Dr. Frye is recognized for simplifying the implantation process and providing superior patient comfort every step of the way. If these devices aren’t right for you, this dentist can also introduce you to a wide range of other solutions to makeover your smile—including Invisalign®, dental crowns, veneers, bridges, and dentures. You can learn more about these treatment options on the clinic’s website. To schedule a convenient appointment, call (336) 248-5057.
