
Wine, deli meat, and cheese are a match made in culinary heaven. This makes a cheese and meat platter paired with wine an elegant and delicious option for any type of party. JJ International Delicatessen supplies specialty meats and cheeses for parties in Port Jervis, NY. Their experts have shared a guide to help even the newest novices find the perfect pairing for their menu.

How to Create a Wine, Deli Meat & Cheese Menu

1. Pair Oppositesdeli

Opposites bring balance to the palate and bring out the unique qualities of both the meat and cheese. First, think about the texture. A mushy or soft cheese – such as brie – should be paired with a meat that has some bulk to it. Next, consider the acidity. Both cheese and meat have high amounts of fat in them, and one of those options having some tartness to it will provide some balance to the weight of the protein and fat.

2. Choose a Region

When it comes to selecting your wine, a good rule of thumb to follow is that “what grows together goes together.” Wine that comes from the same region as your meat or cheese will likely complement it well. For example, Parmigiano Reggiano and prosciutto di Parma pair beautifully with a nice Italian wine.  

3. Preparation Is Key

Always serve cheese at room temperature. About 30 minutes outside of the fridge should get it to a desirable temperature. Slice or crumble the cheese into manageable bites for easy serving. Aerate your red wine and chill your white wine.

When you’re ready to prepare your menu, visit JJ International Delicatessen. They have a mouthwatering selection of more than 65 European deli meats and cheeses that your guests will love. Their international market will bring gourmet European cuisine to you, and their food delivery service will make it easy to prepare for your party. Contact them at (845) 858-1142 with any questions about getting started.
