
Brushing, flossing, and visiting the pediatric dentist regularly are all necessary measures to protect your child’s teeth, but if they aren’t wearing a mouth guard when they’re active, it can all be for naught. Their teeth and mouth are susceptible to trauma, which is why they should wear a mouth guard. Here, the staff at Aina Haina Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, explain how the simple device can preserve your child’s smile.

Why Wear a Mouth Guard?

When children play sports, they’re at risk for slips, falls, and collisions that can lead to oral trauma. Teeth can be knocked out or fractured, gums and cheeks lacerated, and tongues damaged. These injuries can lead to lasting oral health issues, such as developing TMJ disorder, as well as costly dental implants and cosmetic repairs.

Mouth guards provide the comprehensive protection to absorb shock and disperse it evenly throughout your child’s mouth while keeping everything in place. A guard also prevents clenching that may make a child’s teeth more susceptible to stress fractures. Adults should wear guards for the same reasons.

What Type Do They Need?

pediatric-dentist-aina-haina-dental-groupThe two most common mouth guards are the one-size-fits-all models and the boil-and-bite ones at sporting goods stores. While each is convenient, they won’t give your child the professional grade protection they’ll get from the third type: a custom mouth guard made by their pediatric dentist. Composed of the highest grade materials, these are molded to their bite to provide a better fit and will last much longer than store-bought mouth guards.

How Do They Care for a Mouth Guard?

A mouth guard can host bacteria, which is why your child needs to clean it after each use. Teach them to rinse it with warm water and use a toothbrush to clean the grooves. Allow it to air dry before storing it in the protective container provided by their pediatric dentist.

There’s no replacement for a mouth guard’s protection, so turn to the family dentistry team at Aina Haina Dental Group to have one made for your child. Since 1976, this family-owned and -operated dental clinic has offered a variety of restorative, cosmetic, and general dentistry services to patients of all ages in East Honolulu. Call (808) 373-2184 today to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist, and visit the website to learn more about their services.
