
When dealing with lower back pain, the most important thing is determining the cause. Once you know why you’re experiencing this pain, your chiropractor can recommend the best solution possible to treat your condition. If you’ve been experiencing lower back pain, consider these four common causes to more thoroughly understand your condition.

4 Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

1. Strains and Sprains

One of the most common causes of spinal pain stems from sprains and strains. A sprain impacts your ligaments which can be overstretched or torn, while a strain involves torn or stressed tendons and muscles. These injuries can occur during a sports activity or from contorting your body in the wrong way while lifting something heavy. Once you have a strain or sprain, you may notice tenderness or swelling in the afflicted area.

lower back pain2. Poor Posture

Poor posture is one of the leading causes of spinal problems and can easily be avoided. Poor posture includes slouching, leaning to one side or hunching over, and can be exhibited when standing or sitting. Ensure you have proper posture by keeping your spine straight, your shoulders back and in-line with your hips.

3. Bulging Discs

The discs in your spinal column act as cushioning between the vertebrae. These discs can become aggravated through improper exercise or lifting or simply during the aging process. Once these discs begin to deteriorate, they may bulge and cause spinal pain. Your chiropractor can assess your symptoms and offer solutions such as spinal manipulation and therapy to relieve your pain.

4. Spinal Misalignment

The repetitive motions we perform daily – from standing, bending over and walking – place a lot of wear and tear on your spinal column. If you move the wrong way while performing one of these tasks, your spine can become misaligned, resulting in aches and pains. Typically, some rest and an adjustment from the chiropractor can alleviate these symptoms.

If you’re dealing with chronic lower back pain, consider visiting a chiropractor to have your symptoms evaluated and properly trCITY ISN”T EVEN IN THE ARTICLE what hap[pened heeeeeereeated.

For optimal spinal health care services and treatments, visit Rosemount Chiropractic in Rosemount, MN. The team of chiropractors at this practice offers treatments for a number of maladies, from lower back pain to sports-related injuries. To find out more about the cause behind your aches and pains and how they can be treated, call Rosemount Chiropractic at (651) 423-2251, or visit their website.
