
Most windows last between 20 and 40 years. Whether yours have reached the end of their life or you're simply looking to update, window replacements are a common home improvement project. Before installation, however, you must first decide what type you want to purchase. Many people prefer either wood or vinyl windows for various reasons, and both have specific advantages and disadvantages. By understanding these options, you can discover the best choice for you.

Wood Windows

Wood is a popular material for a variety of home fixtures. Floors, walls, furniture, and trim are often made from this substance. When it comes to window replacements, this framing type offers exceptional insulation. In fact, it ranks 400 times more efficient than steel and 1,800-times more efficient than aluminum. This helps keep your house temperate, comfortable, and free from outdoor allergens. It may even save money through a reduced energy bill.

This material is also long-lasting when it's well taken care of. Kept away from excessive moisture and insects, it can potentially last a lifetime. On the other hand, it is also susceptible to a few threats. Termites and rot, for example, can quickly deteriorate its surface. A moderate level of maintenance, then, is required for wooden windows.

Vinyl Windows

vinyl windowsVinyl windows are popular among homeowners because of their many benefits. For one, they are an affordable option that comes in a number of styles. Vinyl is easy to produce, lightweight, and quick to install. As such, the initial investment is minor. You'll also pay less for upkeep, as they never require a repaint and are scratch-resistant, rot-resistant, and even hold up well against fire. For up to 40 years, they will remain like-new in whatever style you choose, whether that be bold and colorful or a faux-wood appearance.

Though they hold many advantages, vinyl windows sport a lower insulation level than wood. They also are inflexible in their appearance. Because you cannot repaint them, the style you purchase is permanent. For an update, window replacements are required.


Both wood and vinyl windows are exceptional options for any home. Once you've decided between the two, call on Windows Plus for the installation process. Since 1982, they have been serving the residents of Cincinnati, OH, with high-quality work. In fact, they're even backed by the Better Business Bureau® with an A-rating. Request a quote instantly by visiting their website. Or, have any questions answered by calling (513) 272-2222 today. To connect even more, find their team on Facebook and Twitter.
