
During dental exams, your dentist will perform a comprehensive visual inspection to look for visible signs of oral health problems. However, many dental health issues can remain hidden to the naked eye. Fortunately, professionals can use digital X-rays to get a quick, in-depth look at what’s happening beneath the surface of your teeth and gums. If you’re due for an X-ray, here is some of the valuable insight these images may provide.

4 Dental Matters a Digital X-Ray Can Reveal

1. Tooth Decay

In the early stages of tooth decay, cavities may not cause pain or noticeable damage to the enamel surface. Digital X-rays, however, can show what’s happening under the enamel — a layer of the tooth known as dentin. If a cavity is found, your dentist may recommend fillings to prevent further damage or keep an eye on the decay to see if it grows.

2. Abscesses

Abscesses are infections that occur inside the tooth, typically after a cavity has progressed considerably. While abscesses cause pain, the extent of the infection can only be revealed through an X-ray. If the infection is fairly contained, your dentist can preserve the tooth by performing a root canal.

3. Impacted Wisdom Teeth

digital X-rayWisdom teeth are a third set of molars that generally emerge in young adulthood. While these teeth once played a vital role in mankind’s ability to eat, modern human mouths are often too small to accommodate the molars. As a result, wisdom teeth can emerge incorrectly, leading to impaction, infection, and dental crowding. A digital X-ray will reveal how these molars are coming in and allow your dentist to determine if they need to be removed to prevent problems.

4. Tooth Development

When children visit the dentist, digital X-rays are typically used to not only check for cavities but to also see how teeth are coming in. By looking at these images, professionals can assess the overall health and progress of a child’s permanent teeth as well as address problems that may be associated with dental development — such as crowding or misalignment.


Whether you’re due for a routine check-up or are facing a toothache, John D. Mainwaring, DDS can assess the state of your oral health. Using digital X-rays and other examination methods, this Orange, CT, dentist will accurately pinpoint problems and deliver a reliable solution to ease pain and protect your smile. To learn more about how Dr. Mainwaring and his associates can support your entire family’s dental health, visit the clinic’s website. For appointments, contact this friendly dental office at (203) 799-6625.
