
It’s common and perfectly normal for people to become angry every once in a while. But if it feels like you’re upset all the time, or angry outbursts are affecting your personal relationships or professional performance, it may be time to visit a psychologist who can help you identify the root of the problem. In addition to this kind of professional help, here are a few strategies you can use to help control your anger.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Cool

1. Extract Yourself From the Situation 

If possible, remove yourself from any situation that’s upsetting you. It may be tempting to engage, especially if you’re in the right, but consider what’s at stake before doing so. In most cases, fueling the fire is not worth it, and psychologists say it’s best to simply walk away from these situations. 

2. Keep a Daily Journal 

Writing about any negative feelings allows you to acknowledge and even validate them, which is essential for overcoming them. Start a journal and write in it whenever anger bubbles up to the surface. Then, review past entries periodically. Over time, it may be possible to identify patterns or triggers that lead to outbursts so you can avoid them.

3. Work Out Regularly

psychologistExercise is not only essential for maintaining physical health, but it’s also good for keeping a sound mind. If you can get in at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day, you will likely feel a lot happier and more at peace in general, which will reduce the number of angry outbursts that occur.

4. Meditate

Meditation can quiet the mind and promote relaxation. You can meditate daily to feel more levelheaded in general, and you can also perform deep breathing exercises whenever anger starts to overwhelm you. These usually involve taking deep breaths in and exhaling slowly, which calms the mind, but there are also more specific techniques you can try to manage your anger. 

5. Build a Support Network

Everyone needs a strong support network. Turn to friends and loved ones when you just want to vent, and call a psychologist when you’re ready to tackle the anger head-on and develop tools for combatting it. 


If anger often overwhelms you despite following the above tips, turn to a psychologist at Feinberg & Associates. Based in Lexington, KY, this psychology practice is led by David Feinberg, PhD, who has been treating patients for more than 25 years. In addition to anger management, his areas of expertise include depression, gender confusion, ADHD, and parental disputes. To learn more about the comprehensive counseling services his practice provides, visit their website or call (859) 233-3390.
