
As exciting as buying or selling a home can be, it also requires you to navigate a complex legal process filled with pitfalls that could seriously complicate your financial life. Having a real estate attorney protect your interests and answer any questions will help resolve issues before they arise, preventing unpleasant surprises and expensive disputes later on. Here are some answers to a few questions you might have about buying or selling real estate.

What to Know About Real Estate Law

What Are Contingencies?

In some cases, buyers or sellers may make the deal contingent on other conditions, like the ability to secure financing at a certain rate or sell an existing property. Contingencies allow both buyers and sellers to avoid being locked into a deal if their circumstances change.

Are Inspections Required?

real estate attorneyWhile home inspections aren’t mandated by law, your lender may require a thorough evaluation before they agree to fund the sale. However, you should never waive your right to an inspection since they can help uncover major defects that could dramatically impact the value of the property.

What Is Title Insurance for?

If someone with a valid claim on the property, like the relative of a previous owner or a business with a lien, comes forward after the sale, you’ll be financially responsible for the issue. Title insurance pays the value of valid claims, ensuring that you have a clean title to the house.

Do I Need a Real Estate Attorney?

A good real estate attorney will protect your interests through the process, reviewing the sales contract and other documents to ensure they reflect the agreements you’ve made. They’ll also conduct a thorough title search, look into zoning laws, and tackle issues before they can derail your sale.


If you’re buying or selling a home anywhere in Middletown, NY, turn to Cheryl A Beverson, Attorney At Law for experienced legal guidance. With over 20 years in the profession, she’ll do everything possible to protect your rights and ensure a smooth transaction. She can also assist with family law, estate planning, and traffic offenses. To schedule a consultation with a real estate attorney, visit her website or call (845) 341-0008.
