
chiropractor will reduce your neck and back pain through spinal adjustments and decompression traction. There are also many ways you can help improve your symptoms at home. Stress management, physical motion, and eating healthy are all ways to decrease your chronic discomfort while enhancing mood and functioning. If you are interested in getting active, it’s time to learn if an activity or exercise plan is best for your needs.

A Chiropractor’s Guide to Activity vs. Exercise 


Activity is any physical movement completed throughout the day. They include pursuits like cooking, walking around the house, and doing laundry. Many people also get activity while they work. Examples of active careers include landscaping, firefighting, and event planning. 

Physical activity offers a variety of benefits, such as preventing further injury and strengthening muscles. It also enhances cardiovascular health and helps people cope with depression and anxiety. If you are recovering from surgery or do not exercise regularly, a more active lifestyle will help improve your endurance and reduce bodily pain.

While there are many advantages to moving around more often, it is not the same as exercise. Once you are comfortable getting active, your chiropractor will recommend a structured exercise routine. Advantages include further improvement of your muscle and joint functions. 


Leeds ChiropractorExercise is planned, repetitive motions designed to enhance physical fitness. While it is considered a type of activity, it is more intentional than burning calories from loading the dishwasher or walking to the restroom. The best exercise plans combine strength and cardiovascular pursuits. Examples of strength exercises are weightlifting, pushups, and yoga. Engagements that benefit the heart and circulatory system include swimming, dancing, and biking. 

Scheduling exercise into your schedule ensures you are reaping the benefits of activity. Creating a plan allows you to target muscle groups and understand how often you are elevating your heart rate to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and control your weight. Additional benefits include reducing your stress level and encouraging your muscles to repair themselves. 

Combining physical activity at home and on the job with a structured exercise routine will help you enjoy optimal physical and mental health while reducing pain in your neck, shoulders, and back. If you need exercise ideas, talk to your chiropractic care expert. They will evaluate your condition and medical history and suggest activities you may enjoy.


Combining an at-home wellness plan with regular chiropractic therapy will help reduce physical discomfort while making you feel more energetic. Chiropractic care professional Dr. Alan C. Walch, Jr . and his team at Walch Chiropractic Center PC in Leeds, AL, serve patients with neck and back pain all over Birmingham and the surrounding community. To make a free consultation appointment with a skilled and compassionate chiropractor with over 25 years of experience, call the practice at (205) 699­-4433. For information about the type of conditions that benefit from noninvasive pain relief, visit their website. Explore details about the practice and enjoying better health by following them on Facebook.
