
Hi All –

I know its been a while since I have written on behalf of Whittemore Sprinkler Company!  We are very busy still this summer and it does seem to be getting hot again, but we at Whittemore Sprinkler Company are doing our best to take care of all your sprinkler system needs and sprinkler repairs.   We have a couple of sprinkler system installations coming up within the next couple of weeks, but we will still take care of all your sprinkler system repair needs as well. 

Jeff wanted me to mention that we “truly do appreciate all your support, your patience, and your trust in our guys” and all of us at Whittemore Sprinkler Company want to thank you for your patronage.  We are here for our customers and think of you all as “Family and Friends”. 

Once again – Thank you all for your support!  You are truly appreciated.

Terri Ewalt

Office Manager
