
While it may seem taboo to discuss urine with friends and family members, urology specialists encourage patients to keep a close eye on this fluid. After all, it could indicate health problems. Whether you feel perfectly fit or you’re dealing with kidney stones or a urinary tract infection, here’s what you should know about urine color and what these shades could mean regarding your overall wellness. 

3 Shades of Urine & What They Say About Health

1. Orange

If you notice your urine is an orange color, first evaluate what medications you’re currently taking. For some patients, drugs like rifampin or phenazopyridine are the cause of the color shift. In other situations, a lighter orange shade could mean you’re slightly dehydrated or your liver is having problems resulting in the added secretion of vitamin B. Should this color persist for more than a couple of restroom visits, schedule an appointment with a urology specialist. 

2. Pink & Red

urology specialistCertain foods, such as beets and rhubarb, tend to turn your urine pink. If you notice this hue immediately after a beet-heavy meal, there’s no need for alarm. That being said, if your urine is a deep pink or red shade, there could be blood in the fluid as a result of kidney stones or an infection. Under these circumstances, reach out to a urology specialist for additional testing.  

3. Green

Patients who have a diet high in asparagus and other green vegetables may notice a slight, harmless green tone to their urine. Consult a medical professional if the color persists even without consumption of green vegetables as there’s a chance you could have a urinary tract infection. 


If you’re concerned about the color of your urine, contact Medical Center Urology. Led by board-certified Dr. Richard Puschinsky, they’ve been serving patients throughout High Point, NC, and its surrounding areas for over 25 years. If you notice your urine is an odd color or you’re suffering from discomfort as a result of a urinary tract infection, call (336) 882-0220 to schedule your first appointment with a urology specialist. For more information on the many conditions they treat, from prostate cancer to erectile dysfunction and kidney stones, visit this practice online
