
Bone grafting is sometimes necessary for dental procedures that require a strong jawbone, like implants. Understanding why bone grafts are needed and how they’re performed allows patients to play an active role in their oral health, as well as alleviating some of the fears surrounding these procedures. Alliance Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Keller, TX, offers the following information about bone grafts, including how they work and potential complications.

When Bone Grafting Is Necessary

Bone grafts are usually performed in conjunction with dental implant surgery, but they may also be used after tooth extractions. Some people lack sufficient bone tissue, which can result in the bone being too soft or weak to support the metal portion of the tooth implant, which is placed directly into the jawbone. Without a graft, the implant may fail as it won’t have the necessary foundation to withstand chewing, talking, or other activities.

How the Procedure Works

Bone GraftingBone tissues can be harvested from another source, or your doctor may suggest a synthetic material, which is becoming more common. If you’re undergoing the procedure after an extraction, the empty hole left by the tooth will be filled with grafting material and sutured shut. With implants, the graft is applied to the jawbone, over which new bone growth will take place. In this case, the patient may need to wait a few weeks before the next part of the procedure.

Possible Side Effects & Complications

While complications are usually minimal, some side effects may occur. As with most dental surgeries, there is a risk of infection, which can be reduced by taking medication as prescribed and following your surgeon’s orders. You may also experience swelling at the surgical site, which can be soothed by ice packs. Also, some people are more prone to having an adverse reaction than others. People with gum disease should work with their dentist to treat it to lower the risk of infection. Additionally, those who smoke have a greater risk of the graft being rejected.

If you’re in search of a skilled oral surgeon in Keller, TX, who possesses experience with bone grafting procedures, Alliance Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is here to help. Not only does this dental team have the tools and the knowledge to perform a wide range of procedures, but they also make it a point to provide a relaxed experience for their patients. If you have questions about a bone grafting procedure, call (817) 741-2200 to schedule your appointment, and visit their website to learn more about their other procedures. You can also follow them on Facebook to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings.
