
Everyone knows it’s important to stay hydrated, especially when working up a sweat. But did you know you lose more than just water when exercising? If you’ve ever tasted sweat, it should come as no surprise that it contains salt, too—or electrolytes, to be precise. Electrolytes are minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium that have an electric charge. Here, the sports medicine team at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI, explains what athletes should know about balancing their electrolytes.

What Are Electrolytes?

Electrolytes are minerals that create charged ions upon dissolving in the body. These ions facilitate nerve impulses and help the body maintain adequate water levels. You can introduce electrolytes into the body by consuming foods that contain these minerals, like bananas and sweet potatoes, or by drinking beverages that are infused with them, like sports drinks. 

Why Do I Need Them?

sports medicineWithout a balanced supply of electrolytes to maintain the body’s water levels, your cells would become either dehydrated or over-hydrated. Your nervous system would also malfunction, which could have serious complications. For example, the nerve impulses triggered by electrolytes allow the muscles—including the heart—to contract. Since the body sheds electrolytes through sweat, replenishing them is an important component of sports medicine.

Am I Getting Enough Electrolytes? 

Most people get plenty of electrolytes by consuming a balanced diet. Foods high in these essential minerals include spinach, milk, yogurt, avocado, almonds, beets, oranges, and watermelon. Since excessive sweating can affect both hydration and electrolyte levels, though, it may be necessary to drink more than just water during a grueling workout. Sports drinks enhanced with electrolytes are great for rapid rehydration but they should not be used on a regular basis because of their high sugar content. Signs that you may need to replenish your electrolytes immediately include a headache, rapid heart rate, fatigue, and dark-colored urine.

Electrolytes are essential to everyone, whether you’re a professional athlete or someone with a more relaxed lifestyle. If you’re concerned about performance optimization and think balancing electrolytes may help, turn to IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health. Based in Honolulu, this practice is proud to help each and every patient live their best life. In addition to sports medicine, they offer osteopathic manipulation, nutritional counseling, individualized exercise plans, and stress reduction strategies. You can read what past patients have to say about the quality sports medicine they provide by visiting their website, or you can see for yourself by calling (808) 521-8170.
