
Coming to terms with your needs is a crucial part of growing up — as is addressing and preparing for your passing. That’s why Leo M. Bean And Sons Funeral Home in Rochester, NY, encourages seniors to talk through wishes, concerns, and musings about their funeral service with loved ones. If you’re not sure how to start this exchange, consider these tips to ease into the conversation.

How to Talk to Friends & Family About Funeral Services

1. Set the Mood

funeral serviceLike any heavy conversation, it’s crucial to save the talk for the appropriate setting and time. Instead of dropping the news on your loved ones whenever the thought strikes, wait for a quiet, calm period when everyone is around to listen. If anyone seems put off by the topic, make it clear that you’re not trying to make them feel sad, abandoned, or upset. Instead, say that you want them to be prepared for the practical aspects of your future.

2. Make Decisions in Advance

If you approach friends and family without a clear idea of your wishes for the funeral service, they may easily feel stressed about your indecision. It might seem like you’re not prepared for your passing, which means the decisions will be up to them. This can be overwhelming for many family members, especially if they are young or have to deal with conflicting opinions from other relatives. By approaching your loved ones with a clear plan of action, you can facilitate a smoother conversation and make everyone feel at peace.

3. Choose an Organizer

When planning and carrying out funeral services, one person usually takes the lead. Before you sit down with your family and friends, decide who you want that person to be. After making sure the individual is comfortable with the role in private, make your choice known during the collective conversation. This way, there will be no debate as to who you would have wanted to manage the proceedings.

If you’re prepared to plan your funeral service, contact Leo M. Bean And Sons Funeral Home for more helpful tips. After 40 years of experience, this family-owned and -operated company is well-versed in the intricacies of the planning process — for both you and your family members. For more information about their services, visit the website. You can also call (585) 426-7830 to set up an appointment today.
