
When it comes to school organizations, custom merchandise can make your operation shine. If you’re looking for items for a sports team or an academic club, having T-shirts, cups, or backpacks emblazoned with the name of your organization can be a fantastic perk for students, as well as parents. Here are some of the few options to help your school organization.

What Types of Custom Merchandise Should You Have for Your School Organization?

1. T-Shirts

With screen-printed T-shirts, featuring the logo and name of their organization, kids will feel like one of the group. This option is also highly affordable, which means even schools on a budget can have T-shirts created. When it comes to design, you can choose what appears on a shirt, whether it’s a picture, logo, phrase, or symbol.

2. Signs

custom merchandiseYou might want custom signs designed if you’re advertising an upcoming event, whether it’s the big game or an important meeting. When it comes to the actual design, you can work with a printing professional to find a look that stands out. You also want to make sure the sign provides important information, such as the date and time of an event.

3. Water Bottles

Many sports team managers are electing to pass out customized water bottles. Having a water bottle on hand will prevent young athletes from becoming dehydrated. Water bottles with sports logos are also less likely to be lost or discarded, as members of the team will be proud to carry them around during the day.


If you’re in the Anchorage, AK, area and need custom merchandise for your school, Stellar Designs is here to help. With over three decades of experience, these design professionals can imprint a wide range of items with your personal logos and names. They also use the latest in printing technology to ensure your project will look and feel professional. To get a free estimate, call (907) 562-4248 today, or visit their website to view their inventory of apparel.   
