
Most pregnant women want to maintain the healthy lifestyles they have created; however, it’s helpful to note what is and isn’t safe to do. Although many can properly and comfortably maintain their existing fitness routines, the OB-GYN will often advise about movements and activities that may not be safe during this time. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to consider during pregnancy. 


Speak with your OB-GYN.

Since every pregnancy is different, you should always discuss your health with the OB-GYN before participating in an exercise program. Individuals with blood pressure problems, ruptured membranes, multiple gestation, or a history of premature labor may not be able to do the same activities. 

Opt for low-impact exercises. 

On the other hand, if the pregnancy is proceeding normally and you are generally well, exercise can help you and the baby maintain optimal health. When active, it is best to avoid high-impact workouts that could put you or your little one at risk. Instead of impact sports or intense options like cross-fit, opt for gentler movements like swimming or walking. 


Overdo it.

OB-GYNUnfortunately, even the most basic exercises can become dangerous during pregnancy if a certain level of intensity is reached. Never go past the point where you feel uncomfortable, and always focus on listening to your body. 

Ignore the weather.

Exercising in extreme cold or heat can be especially hard on a pregnant woman’s body, so don’t ignore the weather. Also, remember that rainfall or melting snow could create slip and fall hazards that could injure you and your child. Check the forecast and conditions before choosing outdoor activities. 


Pregnancy, though rewarding, can also be hard on a woman’s body. If you have any concerns, consult with the professionals at Alaska Women's Health PC in Anchorage. With a commitment to safety and comfort, their certified OB-GYNs can help with everything from infertility to birth control. To learn more about how they can assist, visit their website or call (907) 563-7228 to schedule an appointment today.
