
Most people love the look of a dazzling, white smile. A brighter set of teeth tends to exude radiance, youthfulness, and confidence. Fortunately, it only takes one trip to the dentist to achieve the look you want. If you’re interested in a professional teeth whitening procedure, you may want to learn more about what to expect.

Common Concerns About Teeth Whitening

What Does the Process Entail?

 First, the dentist will meet with you to determine if you are a candidate for teeth whitening.  There are two types, In-office chairside whitening or custom tray take-home whitening.  Chairside whitening can be done in one office visit, take-home whitening is done for 15 minutes per day for 2-4 weeks.

How Does It Compare to Over-the-Counter Methods?

In-office whitening uses a high powered light at a wavelength that significantly accelerates the efficacy of the bleaching agent. While most over-the-counter treatments include peroxide, they contain lower quantities that may require up to six months of regular use before observing results. With DIY teeth whitening, you also risk damage to your gums and uneven whitening results. In-office, we ensure the agent remains on the teeth only.  

What Is Recovery Like?

teeth whiteningTeeth whitening recovery is simple and pain-free. After the procedure, the dentist will advise you to avoid staining foods and beverages for 24 hours. During this period, the teeth enamel will be more porous and therefore vulnerable to long-term discoloration. After 24 hours you may resume normal eating and drinking.  However it is recommended to reduce staining foods and drinks to maintain your new white color.

4. How Long Do the Results Last?

After undergoing professional teeth whitening, the enamel may stain again due to exposure to highly pigmented food and drinks. Those who consume a lot of coffee, wine, or black tea may require whitening touch-ups as often as every year. Others may enjoy their results for years to come.


If you want to attain a beautiful, luminous smile, consult the dental professionals at Drs Emery & Scuro, DMD, PC, in Rochester, NY. They have 35 years of experience and provide the advanced cosmetic dentistry services patients need to get the results they desire. The team offers warm, specialized care to the whole family using state-of-the-art equipment. To learn more about the dental office, visit the website. Call today at (585) 247-7110 to schedule an appointment for teeth whitening.
