
Innovations in eye care now provide patients with more options for contact lenses. Whether you lead an active lifestyle or are concerned about maintaining your vision health, there is an ideal product for your needs. Before you make an appointment with your eye doctor, learn the basics about what makes each kind of lens different.

Comparing the Top Types of Contact Lenses 

1. Daily Wear 

Aiea Contact LensesDaily wear contacts are disposable. Most types are also pre-lubricated. Each box comes with a set of 30, 60, or 90 lenses. At the end of the day, you throw them away. Then when you get up in the morning, you open the next pair and wear them for up to 12 hours.

These types of lenses promote better hygiene and eye health since they don’t require cleaning, lens storage, or contact solution. Since they are not for overnight use, take them out before falling asleep.

2. Extended Wear 

Extended wear lenses are also disposable. However, unlike daily use contacts, they can be worn continuously for multiple days. Many brands allow for up to 7, 14, or 30 days of use before removal.

These products are helpful for those who have trouble seeing at night and those with active lifestyles. Since this type of contact stays in the eyes for many days at a time, you need to follow your optometrist’s instructions carefully. Misuse can lead to eye problems like infections. If you suffer from dryness or irritation, talk to your doctor about taking them out in the evening. 

3. Planned Replacement

As their name suggests, patients wear planned replacement contacts for a set amount of time before getting new ones. Many schedules allow for 30 days of use while others may last longer. Unlike extended wear contacts, you remove them each night.

People enjoy these lenses because they are less expensive than daily wear and extended wear products. However, they require more upkeep than other contacts. Each pair must be cleaned and disinfected after removal. Always wash your hands before placing planned replacement lenses back in your eyes. 


No matter what type of eye condition, personality, and preferences you have, the Honolulu Star Advertiser’s Best Optometrists award winners at Edwin Y. Endo, OD & Associates in Aiea, HI, will help you find the best contacts for your needs. To make an appointment to discuss contact lenses, call their team at (808) 487-5500. For information about caring for your daily wear, extended wear, or planned replacement products, visit their website. Explore strategies for keeping your eyes healthy by following them on Facebook
