
Households depend on working faucets and drainage for washing, cooking, and cleaning. When the pipes get clogged, it can be a huge inconvenience. As the area’s premier plumbing specialists, Northern Water Treatment Inc. in Minneapolis, MN, encourages regular maintenance service to keep drains clog-free. This locally-owned firm shares several do’s and don’ts about keeping your home’s plumbing in top condition.


Be mindful of what you flush in toilets.

Some of the main culprits behind clogged toilets are things that aren’t supposed to be flushed. Steer clear of diapers, wipes, paper towels, and sanitary napkins. These bulky items can get trapped in plumbing and cause backups. Even excess toilet tissue can lead to a clogged toilet.

Remove and clean faucet

On the tips of faucets are devices called aerators, which are designed to control water flow and prevent splashing. Over time, aerators can get covered with soap scum, grease, and other debris. Ideally, they should be cleaned at least once a month to prevent bacteria buildup. Regular dishwashing liquid or vinegar and a small scrub brush will do the job. During your annual maintenance inspection, have a plumbing technician check if the aerators need replacing.


Pour oil or grease down drains.

Grease, oil, and other fats are considered plumbing’s top enemies. Never pour these liquids down drains. They can swell, congeal, and attach to the inside of pipes. The result is clogged plumbing that may require extensive removal service. Wait until the liquids cool, put them in safe containers, and discard them in regular trash bins.

Forget to schedule professional plumbing inspections.

Just as cars need regular tune-ups to prolong their longevity, plumbing also needs regular maintenance to help prevent mishaps and breakdowns. Keep your home’s faucets and drains in good working condition by scheduling professional inspections. Experienced technicians will conduct a thorough exam to spot any trouble spots. If applicable, they will then make the necessary repairs to prevent clogs. Arrange to have an inspection done at least once a year.

By following a few easy tips, you can keep your home’s plumbing free of backups. The expert team at Northern Water Treatment Inc. is your trusted resource for quality maintenance and repair services. Call (763) 274-1476 for a free estimate, or visit their website for information on the firm’s complete suite of services, including water heater repairs.
