
A finished basement adds value to your property and creates extra space to call your own. However, before you get started on your renovation, you need to make sure it’s structurally sound. The team at Master Waterproofing Piering, a foundation contractor based in Elizabethtown, KY, share a few key items to keep in mind before you start putting up drywall.

What to Check Before Finishing Your Basement

1. Water Damage

Water damage can lead to serious cleanup and restoration expenses, and it can lead to major problems with your home’s foundation. Before you break ground and invest in basement improvements, look for water issues in your existing walls. While some red flags are obvious, like pools of water in your basement, others are more difficult to catch. Reach out to a foundation contractor for a professional inspection and assessment. They’ll recommend any necessary repairs to ensure your basement is structurally sound.

2. Permits

foundation contractorMany cities, towns, or municipalities require specific permits before you start renovating your basement, especially if you want to install any electrical work or plumbing. Building permits generally require professional inspections, which can provide your homeowners insurance company with important documentation in case anything goes awry. Permits are intended to make sure you’re building correctly and safely—so, although they do require an extra step in your planning process, they’re an important part of any major home improvement project.

3. Insulation

You won’t be able to enjoy your finished basement if it always feels like an icebox or a sauna. Proper insulation will help maintain comfortable temperatures in your new space, and it will cut down on overall heating and cooling costs. Work with a foundation contractor to plan for adequate insulation by sealing cracks and gaps in your basement walls and floors.

Whether you want to create a separate living space or simply another room for entertaining, a finished basement is a wonderful addition to any property. For all of your waterproofing and piering needs, reach out to the professional staff at Master Waterproofing Piering. For over 29 years, this foundation contractor has provided the Elizabethtown area with high-quality workmanship and personalized plans of action. To schedule a free estimate, call (270) 769-3434, or visit them online to learn more about their work.
