
Many commercial and public landscapes feature beautiful gardens planted underneath trees, creating a relaxing space to rest and enjoy nature. But will this harm the root system and trunk, and is it possible to replicate this at home? Above All Tree Care is a professional tree service located in Center City, MN. Below, they talk a bit more about planting a garden underneath your property’s foliage and explain how to take care of it.

Can You Plant a Garden Under a Tree?

The simple answer is yes, this is possible. However, you’ll need to be aware that this type of landscape design presents some unique challenges. Tree service professionals urge you to remember the branches will prevent the flowers from receiving as much sunlight as they would in the open, and some species won’t thrive as well as others. Additionally, if you add mulch or more soil to help the tree grow, you’ll have to do it carefully, as you might otherwise smother the flowerbed completely. 

tree serviceOverall, ensuring your new garden is successful involves combining the right types of trees and flowers. Generally, flowerbeds do well when planted around willows, poplars, and crabapple trees. Avoid trying to create a garden near pine trees, dogwoods, and sugar maples. Select flower species that will do well in dry shade, like foxgloves or lady’s mantles.

How Can You Ensure the Flowers & Tree Thrive?

Once you’ve selected the right combination of species that won’t compete for nutrients, Center City’s tree service experts say it’s important to take a few specific steps to ensure the health of all the plants. Pick small flowers with tiny root systems that can be easily transplanted, and water the area twice as much as you normally would to accommodate all the plants. Additionally, put a two-inch layer of mulch in the space to provide additional nutrients and ensure healthy growth for all.

For the best results when you’re creating a garden around a tree, it helps to work with a qualified tree service. Above All Tree Care has served the residents of Chisago and Washington counties for 17 years and provides a wide variety of affordable offerings, including trimming and stump removal. To learn more, call (651) 257-2136 or visit them online today.
