
If you are interested in achieving a healthy lifestyle, functional nutritional medicine can help. This discipline focuses on what you eat, how you exercise, and how you shop to improve your overall wellness. Discover below what osteopathic physicians say are the most critical aspects to know about this approach.

The Most Essential Fundamentals of Functional Nutritional Medicine

1. It Promotes Food as Medicine 

Many people see meals and snacks as a way to rid their bodies of hunger or as a means of providing pleasure. A functional medicine approach helps patients see fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains as a way to enjoy better physical and mental health. Whether an athlete is having trouble managing pain or an older adult needs help to improve the symptoms of chronic disease, following the guidance of a registered dietician (RD) transforms food into a powerful healing tool. 

2. It Is a Personalized Approach 

Honolulu Nutritional MedicineFrom their physical health to their lifestyle, every person is unique. Functional nutrition embraces this concept by customizing meal and exercise plans for each individual. Your RD will consider your medical history, family budget, and personal goals to ensure you stay on track. 

3. It Includes Exercise 

Eating right is just one element of your wellness. An exercise plan will also help keep your body and mind in excellent health. Along with nutritional support, your osteopathic and dietary team will help you find physical activities that are right for you. A personalized approach to your cardiovascular and strength needs will motivate you to complete your exercises and eat better. 

4. It Incorporates Stress Reduction 

Most people live a hectic, busy life. The stress that comes with maintaining responsibilities can negatively affect your nutrition and exercise plan. Self-care and anxiety reduction suggestions will make you feel better emotionally and mentally. Since the mind and body are connected, a stress reduction plan will improve your physical health. 

5. It Puts You in Control 

Knowing what to eat and how to exercise can be confusing. Functional medicine educates you and considers your needs and desires. This path put you in control of your habits. When you feel you are an integral part of your wellness strategy, you are more inspired to follow the plan.


Everyone deserves to feel happy and healthy. The team at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI, helps their patients achieve their foremost physical, mental, and emotional goals during every stage of their life. To learn more about the advantages of functional nutritional medicine, call their staff of osteopathic physicians and registered dieticians at (808) 521-8170. For information about their health services, visit their website. Explore what patients think about their sports medicine and performance optimization services for active adults and athletes by reading their reviews on Yelp.
