
In addition to correcting vision problems, contact lenses allow wearers to maintain a natural appearance and benefit from many unique features. They do not fog up like glasses, which is especially helpful for anyone who plays sports. Some lenses even feature UV protection. Whether you are new to contact lenses or need some advice on taking better care of them, these hygiene tips will keep your eyes in ideal condition.

Top Tips for People With Contact Lenses

1. Don’t Get Water or Saliva on the Lenses

Never use anything other than high-quality contact solution to clean and store your lenses. Contacts absorb water, whether from the tap, pool, or ocean, causing them to swell and feel tight on the eyes. Water also frequently contains microorganisms that may contribute to eye infections. Saliva also has some bacteria content, so don’t use it to clean your lenses either.

2. Adhere to a Lens Replacement Schedule

contact lenses West Chester OHChange your contact lenses as often as prescribed, such as every day, week, two weeks, or 30 days. Old contact lenses disintegrate and absorb eye proteins, bacteria, and mucus, increasing your risk of infection. Even if you only wear contacts occasionally, using short-term products outside their recommended date range also proves detrimental because they will still break down after enough time.

3. Never Reuse Solution

Dump your case solution every time you take out your contacts instead of leaving it there for reuse. Used solution contains all of the proteins, debris, and bacteria that came off of your lenses; these contaminants could infect your eyes, especially if you have microscopic corneal tears.

4. Take The Lenses Out If They Feel Uncomfortable

Always take your contact lenses out if they feel uncomfortable. It could mean they were put in wrong side out or have a small piece of debris stuck to the surface that could aggravate and scratch your eyes. Lenses can also feel uncomfortable if your eyes are irritated from swimming in salt or chlorinated water.

5. Change the Case Every 30 Days

Replace your contact lens case every 30 days to prevent bacteria and debris buildup. Even if the case looks clean, it could harbor bacteria that may cause eye irritation and infections. Mark your calendar every time you replace the case to stay on schedule.


Pairing these hygiene tips with dependable eye care will provide the best possible experience with your contact lenses. Daniel J. Kroger OD of West Chester, OH, has over 25 years of experience in affordable, high-quality eye care. Whether you need new contact lenses, eyeglasses, a routine eye exam, or any other vision care service, count on this friendly and knowledgeable eye doctor. Call (513) 777-3936 today to schedule an appointment, or visit the website for service details and testimonials. Like the practice’s Facebook page for additional tips.
