
Car wraps are an excellent way to give your vehicle a makeover without an expensive paint job. They can also turn your vehicle into a moving billboard for your business. Though car wraps typically don’t require much maintenance, they need some attention in hot weather. Here, the experts at Burchette Sign Corporation in Colfax, NC, discuss a few ways to care for your vehicle graphics in the summer heat.

How to Protect Car Wraps From the Summer Heat

1. Park the Vehicle Away From Direct Sunlight

The sun’s ultraviolet rays and heat can damage your car's graphics. The UV light may cause the wrap to fade prematurely, and the heat from direct sunlight can make the wrap less secure to the vehicle. You can avoid this by regularly parking in garages or under shades. If structures are unavailable, auto covers also provide adequate protection from the sun.

2. Avoid Parking in the Same Direction

Parking your car in a garage or under shade isn’t always possible. If you must park in direct sunlight often, alternate the direction in which you leave your vehicle. If it consistently faces the same direction, you run the risk of the wrap fading faster on one side. 

3. Invest in a Protective Coating

Cast vinyl car wraps are better for hot weather because of their flexibility. Maximize their durability by also investing in a high-quality, heat-resistant vinyl coating with UV protection. It won’t alter the appearance of the graphics, and it will last longer in the summer heat.

4. Hand Wash the Car With Cool Water

car wrapWhen washing a wrapped car in the summer, use a soft sponge and cool water. Stiff-bristled brushes from automatic car washes will pull at the wrap, and hot water can make the vinyl graphics warp. You should also avoid power washing your vehicle; it can make the wrap less secure. 

For more maintenance tips or to have a car wrap installed on your vehicle, trust the experts at Burchette Sign Corporation. For over 50 years, they have serviced the Greensboro, Charlotte, and Winston-Salem areas. Their technicians will create eye-catching car wraps, custom signs, and awnings for your business. For a free estimate, call (336) 996-6501 or (336) 996-SIGN. You can also visit their website to learn more about their services, or see for yourself all they have to offer.
