
Many homeowners keep a spare refrigerator or freezer in their garage as an extra storage solution. While these extra appliances tend to deliver added convenience, their maintenance is sometimes neglected due to their location. To help you minimize the need for freezer or refrigerator repairs, the experts at Complete Appliance Service in Cincinnati, OH, share a few tips.

3 Summertime Maintenance Tips to Prevent Garage Refrigerator Repairs

1. Check the Temperature

fridge repairsIt’s not always easy to tell just by feel if a fridge or freezer is maintaining its target temperature. To make sure your appliance is working as it should, consider purchasing a small thermometer and placing it inside. Refrigerator temperatures should be kept below 40 degrees, while the freezer should be below zero. Verify your appliances are maintaining these temperatures by checking the thermometer reading at regular intervals throughout the summer.

2. Keep Appliances Clean

Over time, grime can accumulate within your appliance’s seal. This can spoil your food and cause the fridge or freezer to work harder to maintain coolness. Eventually, this could compromise the components of your appliance, creating a need for repairs. Prevent this from happening by cleaning the seal with bleach regularly to keep mold and mildew at bay.  

3. Turn Off the Power Saver

Most homes don’t have climate control in their garages. When the temperature gets too high, appliances have to work harder to run. If it’s hot and humid in your garage, consider turning off the power saver on your refrigerator. The feature creates moisture, and since there is already enough in the air, your fridge won’t need to make more. Leaving it on could also lead to accelerated mold development.

Should you run into any issues with your appliances this summer, Complete Appliance Service can come to your rescue with prompt freezer and refrigerator repairs. Serving northern Kentucky and the Greater Cincinnati area, their team maintains an A+ Better Business Bureau® rating and has 38 years of experience. Learn more about their services online, or call (513) 661-3708 to speak with one of their experts. 
