
Everyone knows sugar-laden drinks like fruit juice and soda can contribute to tooth decay over time, but it’s reasonable to assume that bottled water is a safe substitute. When researchers tested the pH levels of some of the most popular brands, however, the results were startling. Here, the knowledgeable team at Honolulu’s Hano Naka explains what you need to know about the potential dangers lurking in bottled drinking water

Too Much Acid, Not Enough Fluoride 

When researchers tested the acidity of various brands of bottled water, they found that the products were predominantly acidic. The pH scale ranges from zero to 14. Anything that falls between zero and seven is considered acidic, while anything between seven and 14 is considered basic. Since acidic foods and beverages can facilitate the demineralization of tooth enamel, making the teeth more vulnerable to damage and decay, you should avoid consuming beverages that have low pH levels.

Beverages with a pH level lower than 5.5 pose the greatest risk of causing oral health problems. When studying bottled water, scientists found that some of the most popular brands had a pH of 4, which is well below the level at which enamel starts to erode. Additionally, many of the options lacked sufficient fluoride, which repairs enamel. Tap water, on the other hand, usually contains fluoride because most state governments require it. 

Protecting Your Family & Preventing Pollution

drinking waterTo protect your family’s oral health and ensure a lifetime of beautiful smiles, ditch the bottled products and use the tap for drinking water instead. Use a filtration system because tap water can have impurities and pose issues of its own, depending on where you live. Avoiding bottled water will also help your family do their part to reduce pollution and protect the environment. Take what you would normally spend on a few cases of water and get everyone a reusable bottle instead. Then, you can have perfectly filtered water wherever you go. 

If you want to improve the quality of the water that comes out of your tap, turn to Hano Naka in Honolulu. Their innovative water filtration system infuses drinking water with antioxidants that contribute to overall health. They have treated water all over Oahu for more than a decade, and they can treat yours, too. Visit their website to learn more about the various water systems they offer, and call (808) 596-2555 to discuss your family’s drinking water needs today.
