
If you find your cesspools and septic tanks are filling up faster than usual, know that it is probably not your imagination. There are several reasons why your septic tank could be filling up faster and the solutions may require professional expertise. If you live in Oahu, then Gecko Enterprises can provide you with septic tank inspections that can diagnose problems and provide you with septic tank care.

Your septic system could be filling up faster if you are not taking care of it, have extra people in your home, or are misusing it. As for septic tank maintenance, there are several ways you can keep your system in check:

  • Prevent your septic tank from overflowing by getting yearly probes to see how full your tank is.
  • To avoid getting annual probes, you can get professional septic tank cleaning approximately every five years.
  • Keep trash out of your septic tank. Your septic tank system can handle human waste, water, dish soap, laundry detergent and toilet paper but that is about it. Everything else should be discarded as garbage.
  • All water from your house goes to your septic tank, so having extra people for the holidays or special events can put strain on your system. But it’s nothing a quick talk and inspection from a professional can’t solve.

With over 25 years of experience, Gecko Enterprises has what it takes to provide you with solutions and deliver high-quality results. Whether you need septic tank installation or sludge removal, the local business has your back. Learn more about their services and how they can help by visiting them online or giving them a call at (808) 637-3240.
